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Article: What Finger Does the Engagement Ring Go On?

What Finger Does the Engagement Ring Go On?

What Finger Does the Engagement Ring Go On?

When you receive or give an engagement ring, the first question that often comes to mind is: In which finger is the engagement ring worn? To most people this may sound like tradition, but the practice of using an engagement ring involves so much history and culture. Thus, the information about traditions and cultural peculiarities, as well as the reason why the finger with the engagement ring is significant will be revealed in this guide to help you to determine where to put your elegant Moissanite Craft ring.

What Is the Tradition Behind the Engagement Ring Finger?

Engagement ring tradition for the meant-to-be couple and the rule on where to wear the ring has been observed thousands of years ago. However, there are numerous practices that are followed in different civilizations; however, the best known tradition has its origin from ancient Rome. The old Romans had it that the ‘Vena Amoris,’ or vein of love, shot directly from the fourth ring finger on the left hand to the heart. That is why they decided on the wearing of engagement and the wedding rings on this finger, as a sign of love.

This tradition has been upheld in many of the western countries, whereby the fourth finger of the left hand is used to wear the engagement ring as well as the wedding ring. However, as it will be shown, not all traditions depict which hand the engagement ring should be worn, and it may depend upon individual preference or religious standing.

Which Hand for Engagement Ring: Left or Right?

Different cultures and regions have different ways of wearing an engagement ring. Here's a look at some of the variations:

Origin of Left Hand Engagement Ring

Most people in the western world, especially the United States of America, Canada and the United Kingdom wear the engagement ring in the left ring finger. This tradition has its base on the ancient Romans theories of the vena amoris and has since endured for centuries.

Origin of Right Hand Engagement Ring

There are some nations of Europe like Germany, Austria, Norway, Russia and India where people use the right hand ring for engagement rings. In these areas either the right hand is deemed more honorable or symbolic, and as such both engagement and the wedding rings are worn on the right hand.

Which Finger Is Used for the Wedding Ring vs. the Engagement Ring?

As for rings, engagement rings are basically worn on the left hand on the fourth finger of the left hand, whereas wedding rings are almost but not exactly equally traditional depending on the country.

Wedding Ring Tradition

In many cultures, the wedding ring takes the place of an engagement ring on the left-hand ring finger after the wedding. Some brides for instance prefer to transfer the engagement ring to the right hand or another finger to create space for the wedding band and then both are worn after the wedding ceremony.

Other Cultural Variations

Some cultures particularly the Greek or the Indian cultures prefer the wedding ring to be worn on the right hand while the engagement ring is worn on the left hand. Some others also place the engagement ring on another finger of the hand whichever they prefer or/or as per the tradition accepted by them.

What Is the Best Finger for an Engagement Ring?

It is believed that an engagement ring ought to be worn on the left-hand ring finger; however, this is not compulsory. All in all, the best finger for your engagement ring depends on your feelings and the level of comfort that you have towards it. Some factors that might influence your decision include:

  1. Cultural Tradition: If you or your partner was raised to use the right hand in many tasks, he or she may want to wear the engagement ring on the right-hand ring finger.
  2. Practicality: Some individuals may decide to wear their ring on a different finger and this is applicable for those whose job involves handling their hands or they may have concerns regarding the destruction of the ring.
  3. Personal Symbolism: It is possible to choose a specific finger based on, which one has the biggest importance to the unconsciously chosen symbol of the relationship. For instance, some wives would prefer not to wear the ring on the fourth finger of the right hand as it is expected but at a different finger to show that they are different from the norm.


  1. In western tradition, to which finger is the engagement ring worn?

Indeed, in most of the western cultures today the engagement ring is worn on the fourth finger of the left hand, often known as the ‘ring finger.” The Romans believed that there was a direct vein from this finger straight to the heart; they called it the “vena amoris” which directly translates to the vein of love.

  1. For which hand is the engagement ring placed in different countries?

As a tradition the engagement ring is worn in the left hand but varies in different Western countries. However, in some European countries, as well as Russia and India, it is quite acceptable to wear the engagement ring to the right hand.

  1. Does marrying signify commitment and do some rings on the left-hand ring finger mean engagement?

Traditional engagements also went with the left ring finger because this ring finger is believed to be in direct contact with the heart of an individual. It’s used mostly for engagement and wedding rings in most cultures all around the world.

  1. Is it possible to wear the engagement ring on the different ring?

Yes, it remains the prerogative of the individual to decide which finger is the best for an engagement ring. There is no restriction as to which finger you should wear the ring, it depends on the culture, comfort or personal choice.

  1. The clarification is getting important when we are talking about the details of the wedding ceremony, for instance, what happens to the engagement ring?

It has been common for many brides to switch the engagement ring to the right hand in order to pave the way for the wedding ring on the left ring finger. In some cultures after the ceremony they pile one engagement ring over the other ON to the wedding ring.


Wearing your engagement ring is about more than tradition; it’s about expressing your love and the promises you’ve made to each other. Whether you follow age-old customs or create your own path, wearing your engagement ring on the finger that feels right to you is what truly matters.

At Moissanite Craft, we’re here to help you find the perfect ring, and no matter what finger or hand you choose to wear it on, your engagement ring will always be a treasured symbol of your commitment.

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